Why Physiotherapy is the Right Choice

Why Physiotherapy is the Right Choice

When you have to be careful about what you can or cannot do because your back or neck hurts, it’s time to do something about it. Medication masks the pain and does not treat the underlying problem, which is mechanical. Surgery and injections are a last resort and...
How to Improve Your Spinal Coordination

How to Improve Your Spinal Coordination

Lasting Results With Coordination Our goal is to not only quickly relieve your pain, but to make sure your spine stays healthy for the long run. One of the most important features of a healthy spine is the ability to coordinate your muscles. This provides long-term...
Improve Your Spinal Strength via Physiotherapy

Improve Your Spinal Strength via Physiotherapy

Enhance Your Spine’s Strength The spine has very long muscles that run vertically to hold you upright during the day. In addition, there are many small muscles deep within the spine that fine-tune the movements of each segment. When you sit for prolonged periods in...