Sports Injury Therapy

What is Sports Injury Therapy and Rehabilitation?
Sports injuries can happen during sports activities or exercises; the chances of injury may increase if you don’t warm up or exercise regularly. We understand that it’s tough watching your friends play sports while you sit on the bench waiting. However, it doesn’t have to be that way because the right sports injury therapy and rehabilitation promote quick recovery.
Sports injuries include injuries involving the musculoskeletal system, which is composed of bones, tissues, muscles, and cartilage. Sports injury therapy is designed to help injured tissues recover in a timely and controlled manner. As every person heals differently, it is best to seek advice from a Registered Physiotherapist or Chiropractor. Let’s learn about the various conditions that can be treated by sports physiotherapy and chiropractic care.
What Conditions Does Sports Therapy Treat?
- Knee injuries: The knee is a complex joint that could easily be injured. The most common knee injuries include fractures around the knee, dislocations, and sprains or tears of soft tissues. Essentially any injury that affects how the knee joint moves can be considered a sports injury.
- Achilles tendonitis and rupture: The Achilles tendon is a tough band of tissues that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone at the back of the leg. Activities such as running, jumping, or walking places stress on the tendon, which can lead to overuse, inflammation, or tears. If the tendon breaks you may experience sudden pain causing it hard to walk.
- Sprains and strains: Both of these injuries are quite common and can be caused by various things including falls, twists, or general overuse. The main difference is that a sprain is a stretch or tear in the ligament (eg. sprained ankles, knees, wrists), whereas a strain is an injury to the muscle or tendon (eg. strained back, legs, feet). Ligaments are connective tissues that connect bone to bone to keep them stable. On the other hand, tendons are fibrous tissues that connect bone to muscles.
- Fractures: Bone fractures are painful and are also known as broken bones.
- Dislocations: Often caused by a blow or fall from playing contact sports, a bone may be forced out of its socket causing a dislocation. Common dislocations can happen to your knees, shoulders, hips, elbows, jaw, ankles, fingers, and toes. Dislocations can be painful.
- Rotator cuff injury: The rotator cuff is made from four pieces of muscles that help stabilize and keep your shoulder moving in all directions. A rotator cuff tear or strain causes pain and makes it difficult to raise the arm above the head. It is a common injury in overhead sports such as baseball or tennis.
- Pre and Post-operative injury rehab: To greatly promote recovery rate and decrease pain levels following surgery, rehab is conducted before and after surgery. Feedback shows that people who received Prehab before hip or knee surgery experience quicker recovery in muscle strength, less pain and improved quality of life after surgery.

I wanted to send a huge thank you to the therapist and the Port Hope physio team for getting my daughter Aidan ready for her summer of rodeo. Without your amazing team she would not have been ready to compete this summer and would still be in considerable pain as taking time off riding is not an option she would consider.
The therapist worked with her to make sure she was comfortable with all of the stretches and exercises so that she could continue them on her own and it’s working. She is stronger and feeling better than ever.
As promised this email also serves as a reminder that the RAM Rodeo Tour will be pulling into Peterborough at the Peterborough Ex Friday August 9. More info can be found on the RAM site:
What are the Benefits of Sports Injury Physiotherapy and How Does it Work?
Sports injury therapy takes a multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate, treat, and prevent future injuries. The first step to do is to get advice from professional Chiropractors and Physiotherapists who are registered by the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario and College of Chiropractors of Ontario. These therapists are trained to assess, diagnose, and manage sports related injuries specific to the requirement of a sport. For example, a sprinter may be prescribed speed and polymeric (explosive strength) specific trainings.
Through a comprehensive history and physical examination, a therapist can determine the cause of the pain and provide appropriate treatments. The initial stage of treatment often involves reducing pain and any swelling of the muscles. Then, progressive reconditioning treatment begins. Exercises will also be prescribed between the therapist and the patient to reach targeted goals such rebuilding strength, mobility, flexibility, coordination, and balance. As rest is also an important part of recovery, your therapist will help you balance rest and exercise to recover in a controlled manner.
Check in at one of our sports injury physiotherapy and chiropractic clinic locations across Cobourg, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Peterborough, and Port Hope. The earlier you start, the sooner you could get back to doing what you love. Call us or click here to book an appointment.