WE-FIX-U Bowmanville Therapists
“We are committed in resolving your symptoms
so you can start feeling better, faster”

Heli Pancholi, Owner & Registered Physiotherapist

Mohamed, Chiropodist

Nicholas, Registered Massage Therapist

Ramya, Chiropodist

Sasha, Occupational - Physiotherapy Assistant

Kiera, Administrative Assistant
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Iain Buchanan, Registered Psychotherapist

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What We-Fix-U patients are saying:
“This is my second injury that has been treated at We-Fix-U. In both cases I was assessed with great care and detail, then effectively treated with a variety of therapy that resulted in quick healing. I especially appreciate that I was taught exercises that promote self-help and healing instead of chronic dependence on their care. I am now a success story, Thank you!!”
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