Nicholas, RMT

Registered Massage Therapist

Therapist at Bowmanville

nicholas massage therapist profile

Nicholas has been an Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) since late 2006, graduating from Centennial College.

Prior to his RMT studies, Nicholas completed his undergraduate degree at York University with an Honours Bachelor in Kinesiology & Psychology. During his time there, as well as afterwards, he focused on athletic training and rehabilitation in the competitive sporting realm. He has worked with various athletic teams in different sports, at varying competitive levels, as an athletic trainer and RMT, once certified.

Nicholas has a focus in therapeutic rehabilitation and believes in health promotion and wellness through a healthy lifestyle. His practice includes education, joint mobilizations, sport injury rehabilitation, soft tissue and scar tissue work, pregnancy massage, active therapeutic treatment, and exercises, tailored for each person. He is committed in helping his patients reach their rehabilitation goals, and then to therapeutically help them maintain their quality of life.

Reach out to Nicholas if you have any questions and begin your rehab journey today.

nicholas massage therapist profile
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