The benefits of Physiotherapy, Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy can be broken down into three categories:
- Relief Benefits: For severely painful problems, the first 1-6 visits are often spent reducing pain and inflammation. This is a critical stage of your recovery and requires close supervision by your therapist. In addition to using hands-on and other techniques supported by research, they will teach you home strategies to manage flare ups.
- Corrective Benefits: When pain is less prominent a focus, visits 6-12 teach you how to progressively strengthen your injured body through gentle exercise and use of pacing, while continuing to manage pain flare ups. Clients often think that when pain goes away, the problem is gone, and they fall back into old habits that led to pain in the first place. The corrective phase of a recovery can be anywhere from three to six weeks before a client can move into maintenance or a more dynamic fitness training program.
- Return to Sport/Return to Work/Preventative Benefits: Continue on a regular basis to check in with your healthcare provider to learn more advanced exercises and for services like massage, acupuncture and stretching that prevent chronic movement problems and keep your long term recovery on track. Why wait for that major repair when you can keep your body tuned up all year round?